Supported command-line options
- --ast
print AST (ignores quiet option)
- --file
write output to files <filename>Gen.ast and <filename>Gen.jadd
- --grammarName
name of the generated grammar and aspect (without file extension)
- --jastAddList
set the name of the List type in JastAdd (has to match the option ‘–List’ or its default List)
- --listClass
determine the class name of the nonterminal reference list
- --quiet
do not output anything on stdout
- --resolverHelper
create a subtype for each type containing a string that can be used to resolve the type later
- --serializer
generate a (de-)serializer (allowed values: jackson, jackson-json-pointer, jackson-manual-references)
- --useJastAddNames
generate names in the form of addX, removeX and setX. If omitted, the default, original naming scheme resulting in addToX, removeFromX and setX will be used.
- --version
print version and exit