Publications ============ Main publication at SLE'18 -------------------------- .. raw:: html
Follow-Up publication in JCL ---------------------------- **Relational reference attribute grammars: Improving continuous model validation** Johannes Mey |a|, René Schöne |a|, Görel Hedin |b|, Emma Söderberg |b|, Thomas Kühn |a|, Niklas Fors |b|, Jesper Öqvist |b|, Uwe Aßmann |a| - |a| Technische Universitãt Dresden, Germany - |b| Lund University, Sweden Received 31 March 2019, Revised 1 November 2019, Accepted 20 December 2019, Available online 20 January 2020. .. |a| replace:: :sup:`a` .. |b| replace:: :sup:`b` Publications using Relational RAGs ---------------------------------- - `Subpage on RagConnect`_ - Götz, Sebastian, Johannes Mey, René Schöne, and Uwe Aßmann. **“A JastAdd- and ILP-Based Solution to the Software-Selection and Hardware-Mapping-Problem at the TTC 2018.”** In 11th Transformation Tool Contest, 2018. - Götz, Sebastian, Johannes Mey, René Schöne, and Uwe Aßmann. **“Quality-Based Software-Selection and Hardware-Mapping as Model Transformation Problem.”** In 11th Transformation Tool Contest, 2018. - Mey, Johannes, René Schöne, Christopher Werner, and Uwe Aßmann. **“Transforming Truth Tables to Binary Decision Diagrams Using Relational Reference Attribute Grammars.”** In Proceedings of the 12th Transformation Tool Contest (TTC 2019), 2019. - Schöne, René, and Johannes Mey. **“A JastAdd-Based Solution to the TTC 2018 Social Media Case.”** In 11th Transformation Tool Contest, 2018. - Schöne, René, Johannes Mey, Boqi Ren, and Uwe Aßmann. **“Bridging the Gap between Smart Home Platforms and Machine Learning Using Relational Reference Attribute Grammars.”** In Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Models\@run.Time, 533–42. Munich, 2019. - Mey, Johannes, Thomas Kühn, René Schöne, and Uwe Aßmann. **“Reusing Static Analysis across Different Domain-Specific Languages Using Reference Attribute Grammars.”** Programming 4, no. 3 (February 17, 2020). .. _Subpage on RagConnect: