Gradle Plugin for JastAdd preprocessors

This Gradle plugin is providing means to write Gradle tasks to invoke the two preprocessors Relast and RagConnect as well as JastAdd itself.

To use this plugin, add the following to your build.gradle:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            name "gitlab-maven"
            url ""
    dependencies {
        classpath 'org.jastadd.preprocessor:testing:0.2.8'

import org.jastadd.preprocessor.testing.plugin.PreprocessorPlugin
import org.jastadd.preprocessor.testing.plugin.RagConnectTest

apply plugin: PreprocessorPlugin

A typical usage (taken from tests used for RagConnect) looks as follows:

task compileTreeIncremental(type: RagConnectTest) {
    ragconnect {
        outputDir = file('src/test/02-after-ragconnect/treeInc')
        inputFiles = [file('src/test/01-input/tree/Test.relast'),
        rootNode = 'Root'
        logWrites = true
    relast {
        useJastAddNames = true
        grammarName = 'src/test/03-after-relast/treeInc/treeInc'
        serializer = 'jackson'
    jastadd {
        jastAddList = 'JastAddList'
        packageName = 'treeInc.ast'
        inputFiles = [file('src/test/01-input/tree/Test.jadd')]
        extraOptions = ['--tracing=cache,flush',

Available options are listed at configuration. Notably, all options passed to JastAdd are also passed to the preprocessors, and generated files are handled correctly, e.g., generated aspects are passed to JastAdd automatically.

The compilers to be used can be configured as follows:

preprocessorTesting {
    //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
    relastCompilerLocation = '../libs/relast.jar'
    ragconnectCompilerLocation = '../libs/ragconnect.jar'

By default, the compilers are expected to be available in the classpath.